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The Global Language

Hey everyone basically we’re gonna make  fun of each other’s play it’s kind of s  what it means are we gonna scold it what  is it oh okay yeah okay yeah guess one  with the best youtuber in the entire  world she does makeup superhero who’s  everything hey is shit yeah that’s me  but yeah I’m going to be doing median  vs. New Zealand play not address it was  a one time and we’re about to come  oh gosh we literally jet spills yelling  Candi Carmi tasty yeah you should check  that out on that and we were like  translating what we were saying okay  they pronounce Dex like yeah like in  here like oh my god hahaha they’re like  oh my gosh I just put my dick  redecorated I just cleaned my day.


I even have pictures on my dick check  out that dick start I feel like you’re  size more cool yeah this is gonna be  really really really embarrassing the  fifth one is bubble  buzzer roll the roll bucket oh bugger  all yeah I feel like it means like when  you were annoying someone like you’re  fucking them all butter roll is like  nothing like oh how much did you drink a  bit sprite five rolls mommy yeah woah  what is a Timbit I’m excited that you  don’t know it oh my god intended submit  the end of a screwdriver oh it’s the  little donut hole that’s what it’s  positive knit like  yeah when you go to to importance which  is like our coffee shops like our  Starbucks wait do you eat it you eat it  you buy tipis you might like twenty  seven six five dollars now I’m just  wondering what New Zealand’s also some  limits on this right what do you do to  probably sell it to Canada like Nick’s  captain passive content to its Cox this card it Chi I kept active carved it like  you did it  I carved it like I conquered it means  you’ve died or someone’s died like oh  shit that’s so rude all is this me do it  what is a puss sunny hot sunny like a  hockey puck and then a bunny.

Hug sunny  as Pablo that you put on top of your  pocket oh I really couldn’t breathe out  it’s a girl that loves hockey boys and  they always go to hockey boy game eggs  cheese and bread do you know what that  means in New Zealand well is this the  same panties up crack I work in the West  we look Punk and I have a bag chocolate  chocolate or chocolate is it when you  throw something with you chuck a block  like you just ate we clicked in a Buffy  oh my god I’m shocked a lot when it’s  all typical oh how does that make sense  it’s how it is you know in a linear –  you might Looney Tunes oh my god you  don’t know what he did it over your  pocket I thought you guys have like okay  wait okay  just guess you guys have it rollerblades  we go on balloonies $1.00 Contini $2.00  oh no it’s like how you call it corner  window way to make a Zola watch it yeah  no I’m making cookies I would like to  take this opportunity what are they were.


Oh I’m absolutely confident in this plan  I feel like we got a lot of hard ones  that was away piece of hits piece of  piss like you just had a bad day you had  a piece of piss as you can see how you  got that but it should be easy we say a  piece of cake the more thing you know to  washer this a woofer yeah like soccer  yes okay you might have to get this  she’ll be right you maybe feel like it’s  gonna be my professional New Zealand  experience I would say that it means  like you know Jesus likes a boy she’ll  be right is kind of like she’ll be okay  oh I overthought it  oh I’m so easy to kiss  so happy I just start McClure I’m  wearing my tube to the ski mountain a  little things wait wait long chops no  it’s like a hat it’s like oh no you made  it look a bit of any more next one  taking the piss  I forget what doing the pisses companies  taking the what is nothing to do of it  taking it for the team like you’re  taking the piss it means making fun of  something someone like like if you would  like making fun of me other lost  opportunities I’m so frustrated how does  this play we’re gonna start with a  beaver tail – look it’s not a business  like a mullet oh it’s a baby you eat me  retail for dessert like a pastry but  like maple on edge you’re putting color  on it banana  is like you tella yeah you don’t know in  new talent .


I know what okay now Ella no no wait  wait I need you to use color definition  or how to pronounce numbers listen you  tell us an exit velocity you go to this  one yeah yep another difference with  room the teller reveals correct right  way to pronounce friend’s name  oh you’re right it’d be I don’t care  what was going through today because I  want your money I need you this and I’m  not doing well I’m gonna give you an  easy one if you don’t get this out judge  you  what is the six the what to sing like  Drake I was running this race Lynn my  loves me just right now I feel I hit the  so I don’t wanna be oh my god I love it  cuz he’s running through the stakes of  his lows  video we call that’s turn revealing  Kenny literally 500 million esterday  about so we’re gonna give it a like and  also make sure you subscribe mine and  Shannon’s channel as a trivet creating  videos down below check out Instagram  Twitter snapchat so I think I have a  beautiful magical day